During a recent appearance on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” beloved actor and comedian Steve Carell shared a delightful tidbit from his past, revealing his admiration for none other than pop sensation Taylor Swift. Fans of both stars were treated to a charming story about their early encounter on the set of MTV’s “TRL,” a popular music show that featured top artists and celebrities.

“We were both on TRL at the same time,” Carell recounted, reminiscing about the early days of their careers when they were both burgeoning stars in their respective fields. The encounter, though brief, left a lasting impression on Carell. “I met her, sort of in passing, and I thought, ‘She seems special,’ like even back then,” he said. He described Swift as “very sweet, very nice,” and recalled the meeting as a moment of genuine warmth and mutual respect.

Carell’s revelation not only highlights a nostalgic moment from the early 2000s but also underscores the enduring qualities that have made Taylor Swift a beloved figure in the music industry. His description of Swift as special and nice resonates with the image she has cultivated over the years: approachable, talented, and genuinely connected to her fans.

This story, shared on one of the most watched late-night shows, adds a delightful layer to Carell’s public persona, showcasing his ability to appreciate and remember meaningful interactions, no matter how brief. For fans of Swift, Carell’s acknowledgment of her early promise and his self-proclaimed status as a Swiftie add a sweet note to the ongoing narrative of her impactful career.