Sadness, the character from Pixar’s “Inside Out,” has unexpectedly become a focal point of online humor and discussion, sparking a flurry of memes and reactions across social media platforms. The buzz surrounding Sadness intensified with the upcoming release of “Inside Out 2,” which introduces new emotions like Anxiety, Envy, Ennui, and Embarrassment into Riley’s teenage mind, adding chaos to the established headquarters of Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust.

At the recent Los Angeles premiere of “Inside Out 2,” Sadness’s appearance on the red carpet captured attention for her awkward demeanor, characterized by timid waves and a pouting expression juxtaposed against the lively backdrop of the Black Eyed Peas’ dance-pop anthem, “I Gotta Feeling.” This juxtaposition immediately provided fodder for internet users to create memes and playful jabs at Sadness’s expense.

Social media users quickly seized on Sadness’s actions, labeling her as a “loser” and poking fun at her perceived clumsiness, such as spilling popcorn at the concession stand. Some comments, while jestful, bordered on harsh criticism, calling Sadness names and questioning her competence.

However, amid the teasing and meme-making, there were also voices of empathy and solidarity with Sadness. Many users identified with her awkwardness and vulnerability, relating it to their own experiences in social situations or daily life struggles. Some even reposted videos of Sadness dancing or made references to popular culture, using her character to express relatable feelings and situations.

In “Inside Out 2,” Sadness is voiced by Phyllis Smith, known for her role in “The Office.” The film’s ensemble cast also includes Amy Poehler as Joy, Ayo Edebiri as Envy, Maya Hawke as Anxiety, and Lewis Black as Anger, highlighting a diverse range of emotions that reflect human complexity.

The fascination with Sadness extends beyond this recent premiere event. Earlier, during Pixar Fest at Disneyland, viral videos of Sadness dancing half-heartedly on stage during lively performances further underscored her appeal as a relatable and meme-worthy character.

Despite the online banter and varying reactions, Sadness continues to resonate with audiences for her role as a compassionate and understanding character within the emotional landscape of “Inside Out.” As users engage in humorous commentary and heartfelt reflections on social media, Sadness remains a compelling figure, emblematic of the universal experiences of sadness and vulnerability that touch viewers’ hearts.