According to reports, the Ghanaian Embassy has rejected Meghan and Harry’s visa applications to visit the country, effectively denying them entry. Can you believe it? These two couldn’t be more irrelevant and devoid of real influence if they tried.

It seems even one of the most welcoming nations on the planet is like, “Thanks, but no thanks” to hosting these exploitative circus acts. The shocking visa denial comes hot on the heels of the royal renegades’ recent, cringeworthy “vanity tour” of Nigeria. It was an absolute masterclass in celebrity self-owned.

Despite the British government distancing itself from the Sussexes’ shady past, Meghan and Harry barreled ahead in their usual delusional bluster, and it got messy and humiliating. Diplomatic circles even started sounding the alarm about the massive safety risks and potential political landmines posed by these two narcissistic renegades running reckless on the international stage.

This debacle is the natural result of the royal family’s stubborn refusal to simply strip Harry and Meghan of their defunct titles and put them in their own world. Buckingham Palace has the power to shut down this freak show, but they’ve remained cowards, terrified of how it’ll play out in the oppression Olympics.

Well, now the consequences of that negligence are hitting hard, as other sovereign nations and governments have to take matters into their own hands. It’s genuinely embarrassing that Ghana felt the need to effectively deport these two unaccountable, undiplomatic sports brats for fear of potential scandals.

Throughout their prior stops in developing nations, Meghan and Harry have shown zero accountability, always putting their own clout-chasing self-promotion before real, ethical activism. They constantly insert themselves into scenarios meant to highlight other hardships, rather than uplifting the actual people their Invictus Games was formed to honor.

So, you really can’t blame the Ghanaian government for looking at this humiliating pattern of behavior and going, “Yeah, no thanks to the headaches awaiting.” After all, this try-hard pair of jokers have already faced explosive backlash just for associating with Nigerian scammers and fugitives.

Ultimately, Ghana’s denial of entry is justified, and the latest inevitable step in the Sussexes’ downward spiral into obscurity. Whether they like it or not, the free ride of vacant prestige off their defunct ducal branding is rapidly approaching its expiration date.

Of course, Meghan and Harry will inevitably shriek about racism from the mountaintops instead of taking responsibility for bleeding their dubious fame dry. But for those of us living in the real world, Ghana’s boss move is just the latest nail in the overdue reality check coffin.

Their celebrity cosplay was always smoke and mirrors, and if Ghana’s rejection is any indication, that’s exactly the level of dismissive treatment these two deserve. They simply couldn’t handle the real world telling them “no” without imploding in humiliation.

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