Authorities announced on Thursday that a Maryland high school student faced charges of threatening mass violence after evidence surfaced indicating plans for a school shooting. The arrest of 18-year-old Alex Ye occurred Wednesday, prompted by the discovery of a 129-page document attributed to him, as stated by the Montgomery County Department of Police.

The investigation unfolded after an individual, acquainted with Ye from a shared stay at a local psychiatric facility, alerted authorities about concerning Instagram messages, suggesting an imminent school shooting. Ye allegedly referred to the extensive document as his “memoir,” prefaced with a disclaimer stating it as a work of fiction.

According to the teenager’s arrest warrant, the document delves into strategies for executing a school shooting, including contemplating targeting an elementary school and expressing a desire for notoriety. Police further disclosed that a search warrant yielded internet searches, drawings, and additional documents related to threats of mass violence.

Following notification from the FBI regarding Ye’s purported writings, the police department initiated a collaborative investigation between the two agencies.

Ye is currently held at the Montgomery County Central Processing Unit pending a bond hearing, with his legal representation status remaining unclear.

According to the arrest warrant, Ye was hospitalized in December 2022 due to threats of school violence, alongside homicidal and suicidal thoughts. Subsequently, in 2023, he spent five months at the Johns Hopkins Pediatric Unit for homicidal ideations.

On March 15, FBI agents interviewed a school counselor who had worked with Ye, reporting his expressions of violent intentions, including mentions of shooting up the school and harming others, often accompanied by a smile. Although Ye mentioned targeting Wootton High School and “his elementary school,” the counselor identified the latter as Lakewood Elementary.

In response, the school district heightened security measures, particularly at Wootton High School, in light of credible concerns regarding a potential school shooting, aiming for enhanced visual deterrence, as detailed in the arrest warrant.

Montgomery County Public Schools said it is aware of the arrest of a student from Wootton High. The student has not physically attended classes since Fall 2022 and has been enrolled in an online program, the district added.

“The charges are extremely serious, involving alleged threats to harm others,” the school system said in a statement. “We value and appreciate the close collaboration between MCPS and MCPD in this matter, which is an example of our shared commitment to identify and address potential threats with due process before they materialize.”

The school district declined to speak more on the matter, citing student privacy laws. Police announced that a news conference is planned for Friday.