The Legends Tower building is planned to be constructed in the city of Oklahoma with a height of 581 meters, about 40 meters taller than the One World Trade Center.

Dự án tòa nhà chọc trời cao nhất nước Mỹ chống lốc xoáy

Authorities are considering a new project to build the tallest skyscraper in the United States, as reported by Interesting Engineering on April 19. The new building, Legends Tower, is not located in the densely populated cities of New York or Chicago but is planned to be constructed in the city of Oklahoma, with a population of only about 700,000 people. The structure will be situated in a parking lot near a railway track and a warehouse.

Initially, Legends Tower was intended to be the second tallest building in the U.S. However, designers and developers decided to aim higher. According to the new plan, the project will reach a height of 1,907 feet (581 meters) to commemorate Oklahoma’s 46th anniversary of statehood. Thus, Legends Tower will stand about 40 meters taller than the current tallest skyscraper in the U.S., the One World Trade Center in New York City. The building will rank sixth among the tallest structures in the world, following China’s International Finance Center.

Surrounding the main skyscraper, Legends Tower, will be three smaller buildings, each standing at 105 meters tall. Legends Tower is expected to feature around 1,750 residential units and a luxurious hotel. The estimated cost of the project, including structures like a water reservoir and wooden pedestrian walkways, is $1.6 billion.

However, the new project also faces some challenges. Constructing such a tall structure in a city with a population of less than 1 million seems to have limited financial significance. Additionally, during a city planning meeting, another concern was raised regarding the weather.

Oklahoma City is prone to tornadoes, posing difficulties when building a tall structure like Legends Tower. To address this issue, Rob Budetti, a manager at AO – the company responsible for designing Legends Tower – stated that engineers will construct a thick concrete core around the elevator shaft to ensure stability. The building’s windows will also be capable of withstanding the impact of tornadoes without damage. Budetti even suggested that this could be one of the safest places for people during a tornado.

The Oklahoma City Planning Commission has approved the project, despite some obstacles, including a city meeting on June 4. If all goes well, project developer Scot Matteson hopes to break ground in July of this year.