Thanks for sharing that interesting article on celebrity rider requests! It’s always fascinating to see the unique demands that celebrities make. Here’s a summary of some of the most peculiar requests mentioned:

Beyoncé: Requires her dressing room to be kept at 77 degrees Fahrenheit, and refuses to have Coca-Cola cans around due to a contractual agreement with Pepsi.

Rihanna: Insists on blue silk curtains, animal print rugs, and specific candles in her dressing room.

Paul McCartney: As a staunch animal rights advocate, demands no fur, leather, or meat in his accommodations, and loves having plants around.

Jay Z: Requires 7 dressing rooms, specific beverages like Fiji water and Red Bull, and a large sofa.

Celine Dion: Requests include a private jet, 75 first-class hotel rooms for her team, and a strict room temperature.

Cher: Asks for a separate room just for her wigs, aloe vera tissues, and strictly uses black cups.

Mary J. Blige: Requires a brand new toilet seat at every venue she performs at.

Will Smith: Had a two-story trailer built for him on set, equipped with a $200,000 kitchen and dressing room.

Barbra Streisand: Demands a police dog to sweep the premises before her arrival, citing security concerns.

Prince: Asked for a luxurious five-bedroom house to be built near the O2 Arena in London, and insisted on having 192 bath towels for hygiene reasons.

These requests give us a glimpse into the diverse personalities and preferences of these famous individuals, from comfort and security concerns to specific dietary preferences and personal grooming habits. Each request reflects the unique lifestyles and priorities of these celebrities as they navigate their careers and public appearances.