Elon Musk, CEO of X, made a strategic appearance at the Cannes Lions advertising festival in France this week, aiming to mend fences with global brands and advertising groups following a tumultuous period for his social media platform. Musk’s presence at the festival came amidst efforts to address concerns raised by major advertisers who had pulled their ads from X in response to controversies surrounding the platform.

In a notable pivot from his previous combative stance, Musk sought to clarify and soften his earlier remarks directed at advertisers who threatened to withdraw their advertisements. Last year, amidst backlash over contentious posts and ad placements alongside controversial content, Musk had infamously told critics to “go f— yourself” if they sought to use advertising spend as leverage against X’s policies on free speech.

During a conversation with WPP CEO Mark Read, Musk explained that his previous comments were not meant as a broadside against the advertising industry but rather a defense of free speech principles. “It wasn’t to advertisers as a whole,” Musk clarified, “It was with respect to freedom of speech, I think it is important to have a global free speech platform, where people from a wider range of opinions can voice their views.”

Acknowledging the concerns of advertisers about brand safety and responsible content moderation, Musk emphasized X’s commitment to upholding free speech while ensuring compliance with legal standards. “In some cases, there were advertisers who were insisting on censorship,” Musk noted, “At the end of the day … if we have to make a choice between censorship and losing money, [or] censorship and money, or free speech and losing money, we’re going to choose the second.”

Accompanying Musk at Cannes was Linda Yaccarino, X’s CEO and former NBCUniversal executive, underscoring the platform’s efforts to forge stronger ties with the advertising community. Despite past clashes and the exodus of advertisers like Apple, IBM, Disney, and Sony, Musk expressed a willingness to accommodate advertisers’ concerns about ad placement and brand association.

“We understand that advertisers have a right to ensure their ads appear alongside content compatible with their brand values,” Musk affirmed, signaling a shift towards more collaborative and conciliatory relations with advertisers. He clarified that while X aims to be a beacon of free expression, it also recognizes the need for responsible content policies to foster a safe and inclusive digital environment.

This strategic recalibration by Musk reflects X’s evolving approach in navigating the delicate balance between promoting open discourse and meeting the expectations of global advertisers. As the platform continues to evolve, Musk’s outreach at Cannes signals a renewed commitment to dialogue and cooperation, setting the stage for potential reconciliation with advertisers and stakeholders moving forward.