Male protagonist in Fallout 4

Bethesda is undoubtedly celebrating as Fallout 4 vaults its way to the top, clinching the title of Europe’s best-selling game according to sales data from chart numbers company GSD.

Reported by, a sibling site of Eurogamer, the sales of this nearly decade-old game skyrocketed over 7500 percent week-on-week across Europe. Notably, the majority of these sales occurred on PC, constituting a whopping 69 percent.

The remaining 31 percent was divided among PlayStation and Xbox platforms, with the game also available on these consoles’ subscription services.

Fallout 4

Moreover, the Fallout series dominated the European Weekly Top 10 for Digital and Physical sales, with three additional entries. Fallout 76 secured the eighth spot, followed by Fallout: New Vegas in ninth and Fallout 3 closing the list in tenth position.

While not claiming top spots, other Fallout titles still made significant appearances in the top 100 rankings. The Fallout Classic Collection ranked 43rd, while Fallout 2 and Fallout claimed the 57th and 70th positions, respectively.

European weekly top 10 (digital and physical) chart

This surge in interest can be largely attributed to Amazon’s recent Fallout TV series release, which premiered in its entirety last week. Following the show’s debut, Fallout experienced a notable surge in concurrent players on Steam, more than doubling its previous numbers.

For those eager to dive back into the games, there’s a plethora of Fallout 4 mods inspired by the TV series available for exploration.