AJ McLean, renowned for his tenure with the Backstreet Boys, recently shared his admiration for Taylor Swift, calling her “one of the most grounded, humble performers ever.” His praise comes from personal interactions between Swift and his family, particularly noting how she made an impression on his daughter.

During an interview, McLean recounted several encounters his daughter had with Swift. “She’s met my oldest three times,” he said. The most memorable moment for McLean was during their last meeting when Swift remembered his daughter’s name. “And the last time she remembered her name, which, as a dad alone, catapulted her into the stratosphere for me,” McLean expressed, highlighting the significance of that personal touch.

This gesture by Swift didn’t just resonate with McLean as a performer but also struck a chord on a personal level, elevating his respect and admiration for her. It’s interactions like these that solidify Taylor Swift’s reputation not only as a global music icon but as a genuinely sincere and caring individual.